
Testing implementations of choreographies is hard, since the distributed programs of all participants need to be integrated (integration testing).

This is why we equipped Choral with a first-party library called ChoralUnit: a testing tool that enables the writing of integration tests as simple unit tests for choreographic classes.

Following standard practice in object-oriented languages and inspired by JUnit, tests in ChoralUnit are defined as methods marked with a @Test annotation.

For example, we can define the following unit test for the VitalsStreaming class

import choral.choralUnit.annotations.Test;

public class VitalsStreamingTest@(Device, Gatherer) {
 public static void test1(){
  SymChannel@( Device, Gatherer )<Object> ch = TestUtils@( Device, Gatherer )
   .newLocalChannel( "VST_channel1"@[ Device, Gatherer ] );
  new VitalsStreaming@( Device, Gatherer )( ch, new FakeSensor@Device() )
   .gather(new PseudoChecker@Gatherer()); 

 class PseudoChecker@R implements Consumer@R<Vitals> {

  public void accept( Vitals@R vitals ){
   Assert@R.assertTrue( "bad pseudonymisation"@R, isPseudonymised( vitals ) ); 
  private static Boolean isPseudonymised( Vitals vitals ) { /* ... */ } 
 class FakeSensor@R implements Sensor@R { /* ... */ }

Above, the test method test1 checks that data is pseudonymised correctly by VitalsStreaming.

Test methods must be annotated with @Test, be static, have no parameters, and return no values.

In test1, first we create a channel between the Device and the Gatherer by invoking the TestUtils.newLocalChannel method, which is provided by ChoralUnit as a library to simplify the creation of channels for testing purposes. This method returns an in-memory channel, which both Device and Gatherer will find by looking it up in a shared map under the key "VST_channel1". Thus, it is important that both roles will have the same key in their compiled code, which is guaranteed here by the fact that the expression "VST_channel1"@[Device,Gatherer] is actually syntax sugar for "VST_channel1"@Device, "VST_channel1"@Gatherer.

After the creation of the channel, we create an instance of VitalsStreaming (the choreography we want to test).

We use a FakeSensor object to simulate a sensor that sends some data containing sensitive information (omitted). We then invoke the gather method, passing an implementation of a consumer that checks whether the data received by the Gatherer has been pseudonymised correctly.

Given a class like VitalsStreamingTest, the user compiles it by invoking our compiler with a special flag (--annotate). This makes the compiler annotate each generated Java class with a @Choreography annotation that contains the name of its source Choral class and the role that the Java class implements. Once the compilation is finished, the ChoralUnit tool can be invoked to run the tests in the VitalsStreamingTest class, with the command

java -cp /path/to/the/projected/classes -jar ChoralUnit.jar VitalsStreamingTest

Issuing that command, ChoralUnit will follow three steps:

  1. it finds all Java classes annotated with a @Choreography annotation whose name value corresponds to VitalsStreamingTest
  2. Each discovered class has a method with the same name for each method in the source Choral test class (test1 in our example). For each such method that is annotated with @Test, ChoralUnit starts a thread running the local implementation of the method by each class generated from the Choral source.
  3. The previous step is repeated for all test methods.

In our example, VitalsStreamingTest is compiled to a class for Device and another for Gatherer, each with a test1 method. Thus, ChoralUnit starts two threads, one running test1 of the first generated Java class and the other running test1 of the second generated Java class.